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[BUG] Backslashes on Advanced Substation Alpha tags

Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:56 pm

I already reported this some time ago in the comments of one blog post, but since the problem still persist, I'm going to reinforce the report here on the forums.

Well, the Substation Alpha(.ssa) and Advanced Substation Alpha (.ass) formats uses some override tags to format the texts, for example:

To do a line break we use \N

Code: Select all

First line\NSecond line
To start to bold a text, we use \b1 inside a override block (the { })

Code: Select all

Normal text {\b1}bold text{\b0} normal text again.
To start to italic a text, we use \i1 inside a override block

Code: Select all

Normal text {\i1}italic text{\i0} normal text again.
To start to italic and bold a text, we use \b1 and \i1 inside a override block

Code: Select all

Normal text {\b1\i1}italic and bold text{\b0\i0} normal text again.
If we want to change the text alignment to the top-center, we use \an8 inside a override block

Code: Select all

{\an8}This whole line will appear on the top of the screen.
The complete list of override tags, which is pretty big, can be found on Aegisub Docs page:

So, almost everyone who uses the Substation format, always use those tags and it's one of the major point on using this subtitle format, mainly for the anime fansubbing community.

Ok, now that the tags are explained, let's go to the bug here on OpenSubtitles.

The problem is that when we download any Substation subtitle here on OS, the file is parsed by some way that breaks those tags.

On some cases, like on \N and in \i, it only "eat" the backslash:

Code: Select all

First lineNHere should be the second line, but the tag has been broken

Code: Select all

bla bla bla {i1}zzzz{i0}.
On other cases, like on \b1, it "eats" the backslash and the second character, transforming it into an ugly thing:

Code: Select all

Normal {1}this was to be bold{0}

So, there's a problem that make the backslash transform itself when we download the subs, but the preview on the subtitle page show the subtitles correctly, with all the backslashes and stuff (but with some encoding problems on accented characters, like á and í etc).

Well, that's it.
Thank you for reading and sorry for my probably broken english. ;)

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Re: [BUG] Backslashes on Advanced Substation Alpha tags

Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:22 am

ok, this is quite important issue, I will look on that. Thanks.

I checked the code and for some reason, unknown for me for now, I got "stripcslashes( $subtitle_contents )" for removing \N and so on. Maybe later we will find out why I got it there :) But now, it is fixed, you can still get wrong version, because downloads are cached, but in code it is fixed.

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Re: [BUG] Backslashes on Advanced Substation Alpha tags

Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:46 pm

I just downloaded some subs to test it, and apparently they really are all ok now. :D


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