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Topic: **Report us Wrong Info**

Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:43 pm

I noticed that for the 3 Subitems when Reporting Wrong Info

- Subtitle is not for this AVi
- Movie IMDB is NOT for this AVI
- Subtitle Language is incorrect

always shows the same message (for all three items above):

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Reporting bad HASH
| Are you sure these subtitles are not good for your video file?
| (It means subtitles are for this movie but doesn't fit to this release)

I don't understand this:

Either SD just reports "Bad Hash" and doesn't care what exactely is the problem...(but then I dont understand why there are 3 differnet subreports), or the message is not correct.... :?:

This text I would understand better:

-This Subtitle is OUT of SYNC
(means: subtitle is fine, just the lines do not appear at the correct time)
-This Subtitle has WRONG LANGUAGE
(means: the flag shown next to the file name indicates another language)
- This Subtitle is for ANOTHER MOVIE
(means: this subtitle is not for the movie you were looking for)

And for option 2 and 3, I think it's a pity that the user can't report what's the correct language/movie for the subtitle in question (I think I remember this option extisted befor..).

Maybe I just should shut up, and don't care and try to get the best of it.... as most other users do. I don't know.

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Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:56 pm

this is good idea, we will fix that.

also for option 2/3 - browser will open new window, where user will report this.

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