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Bugs and suggestions for SD

Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:40 am

A few bugs in subdownloader 1.2.3

- get a sub from a dir, lets call it DIR1, then select a movie in ANOTHER directory, search. If you select more than 1 sub, SD will ask you to overwrite or rename, if you choose rename, it will save the (renamed) subs in DIR1

- If more than 2 CDs, SD will upload only the first 2

- if you associate in explorer the avi extension to SubDownloader.exe and then try to "open" an avi file, some weird errors occur

A few suggestion

- an option to upload more than 1 language for a movie in 1 pass
- an option to upload subs for more than 1 movie in 1 pass (for different movie episodes, for example). "CD2" etc is not the correct way and also (see previous bug) does not work right now for more than 2 CDs. The option to upload an entire directory would be great.
- please, do not give so many confirmations, gets really annoying when doing massive uploads (or downloads). Messages in the program window are adecuate, do not need so many additional dialogs
- option to download all subs found (or one sub for each file & lang, perhaps random when more than 1 sub for a given file & lang)
- when searching subs for a dir, the results windows should be sorted alphabetically

Thank you for a GREAT utility, and keep the good work!


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Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:52 am

hi, thanks for suggestions, authr just already seen this and I think, many of them will be in 1.2.4.

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serious bug in 1.2.4

Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:57 pm

There is a serious bug in the 1.2.4 version of SubDownloader.
Sometimes the uploadaed subtitle is uploaded by "Anonymous".
Even though in the prog title stands: Connected as nb000
Why is that?
It happened already twice (2 times).
For example with the sub:

I also made a screen shot of SD, where I searched for this sub,
just after uploading it.

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Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:17 am

it is not bug of SD, but of webpage. Try testing more, because I am changing session handling, because it seems we need some more servers, so I ahve to deal with sessions...

it should work ok now, I hope...

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the anonym bus still persists

Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:55 pm

If u start SD and upload some subs after a long time of inactivity,
it will apear to be up by "Anonymous".

Other bug: SD sometimes just hangs up (freases).
I don't know why, it just stops responding,
but in taskman is still marked ad running.

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1.2.6 bug?

Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:08 pm

SubDownloader 1.2.6 does not work for me.
It starts, then displays the "Message of the day".
Then it states, that an error occured, and quits.
The log is as follows:

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 157, in ? File "wx\_core.pyo", line 7749, in __init__ File "wx\_core.pyo", line 7346, in _BootstrapApp File "", line 142, in OnInit File "SubDownloaderFrame.pyo", line 123, in __init__ File "SubDownloaderFrame.pyo", line 194, in __do_layout File "PanelHelp.pyo", line 33, in __init__ File "PanelHelp.pyo", line 46, in __set_properties File "wx\lib\flashwin.pyo", line 40, in __init__ File "wx\activex.pyo", line 226, in __init__ wx._core.PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "m_ActiveX.Ok()" failed at contrib\activex\wxie/wxactivex.cpp(323) in wxActiveX::CreateActiveX(): m_ActiveX.CreateInstance failed
What does this mean, how to solve it?

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Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:27 pm

I have a problem with SD 1.2.9:
After a fresh install of Windows, it is not possible to launch SD... I get a popup saying to look in subownloader.exe.log, which I did:

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 20, in ? File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 78, in load_module File "wx\__init__.pyo", line 45, in ? File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 78, in load_module File "wx\_core.pyo", line 4, in ? File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 91, in load_module ImportError: MemoryLoadLibrary failed loading wx\_core_.pyd
Do you have any idea, regarding this log output, what is wrong? Ii is too bad, because SD is really nice!

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Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:47 am

OK, the problem has disapeared, as I explained here

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Tue May 15, 2007 2:27 pm

Hi, I've got a bug in v1.2.9, when I upload subtitles:
The automatic language recognition doesn't work any more (ever since I installed the 1.2.9 version...) It usually puts the language of the last subtitles I uploaded... As I usually upload subs in ENG and FRE, and occasionally in DUT and ESP, it is really annoying, because it is not difficult to make an error... Does anyone have the same problem?

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Tue May 15, 2007 11:36 pm

hm, thats interesting - can someone confirm this error ?

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Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:48 pm

it is not bug of SD, but of webpage. Try testing more, because I am changing session handling, because it seems we need some more servers, so I ahve to deal with sessions...

it should work ok now, I hope...
Hi there.

Just wondering. I've just uploaded all subtitles for Scrubs in english for season 3, 4 and some for season 5 and they all show up as "Anonymous". Maybe there is a way to re-upload them and link them to my user? Is there anything that can be done so they don't look as "anonymous"? Some way to claim them?

Also, can't SD re-authenticate whenever it does an operation? It may be common to leave it opened and use it from time to time.

By the way, I'm successfully using 1.2.9 in MacOSX, which is pretty cool. I had to comment out a few things so it doesn't clean up things after an action.

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Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:06 pm

thats a quite weird :( I have to look at it, because it should doesnt happen. Also, you used subdownloader like:
1. login
2. upload
3. check uploaded subtitles and they are anonymous ?

session timeout is around 15 minutes, so, it really should work...weird :(

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Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:21 pm

Yes, I checked. And if I try to get the subtitles I see the uploader as anonymous

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Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:45 pm

thats really bad. I have to check it out, why this happens, because, as you can see on: ... uageid-all

there are many many subtitles uploaded with subdownloader (star) as logged.

whole problem is, website runs on 3 webservers, so I have to share sessions (store them to database). There were some issues with that, but it should work

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Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:12 am

Has this bug been fixed?
I've uploaded a bunch of subtitles (Dead like me french, Metalocalypse) and they all appear as uploaded by Anonymous while I was logged as Yougli in SubDownloader...

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