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Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:35 am

Possible to upload improved versions of subtitles?

Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:55 pm


I recently uploaded subtitles for a movie, where the texts are fairly accurate, but after reviewing, I noticed a few more mistakes. Is there a way to upload the new versions over the old ones, or do I have to upload them again and create a new page, which then only confuses the downloader? All I want to do is upload these fixed subtitles over what I've already uploaded.


Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:37 am

Is there a way to upload the new versions over the old ones, or do I have to upload them again and create a new page, which then only confuses the downloader? All I want to do is upload these fixed subtitles over what I've already uploaded.
You can't upload new subtitle version "over" the old one, but it's possible to disable your own subtitles. So go to your subtitle page and in the upper left corner you'll see "DISABLE". Use it to disable old subs so they won't have chance to confuse anyone :wink:

:D ...and don't forget to upload the new one.

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