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SearchMoviesOnIMDB Is not working

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 6:28 pm
by Test125

I'm developing a little app and wanted to convert titles to imdbID's using the SearchMoviesOnIMDB. But I'm getting a 503 all the time. It's not due my code because GetIMDBMovieDetails is working perfectly fine and is taking the same types of parameters.

So are the docs outdated or am I missing something?

I'm passing along the following:

Code: Select all

let params: [Any] = [token!, "Saving Private Ryan"] let encoder = WPXMLRPCEncoder(method: "SearchMoviesOnIMDB", andParameters: params)
I've checked whether my token is available or not and it is all the time.

Even using Paw for mac is giving me a 503.

Thanks in advance.

Re: SearchMoviesOnIMDB Is not working

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:15 am
by oss