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Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:52 pm


Azpidatziak naiz eta Opensubtitles webgunera igotzen ditut egiten noan euskarazko azpidatziak, hemen duzue lotura,
Euskarazko Azpidatziak: ... ageid-baq/

Azpidatziak ikusteko behar diren software batzuk ere euskaratu ditut, nahi duenak hemen aurkitu ditzake,
Euskarazko Softwareak: ... reakeusxa/

Norbaitek laguntzaren bat, aipamenen bat edo euskarazko azpidatzi bat eskatzea nahi badu, erantzun hemen edo bidali PM bat.
Basque Subtitles / Euskarazko Azpidatziak

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Feb 21, 2016 7:53 pm


Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:52 pm

Atzo azpitituluak kargatu nituen eta zuk borratu zenituen, arrazoirik eman gabe. Nik ere nire ekarpena egin nahi dut eta horretarako eskubidea daukat. Beraz, mesedez, errespetatu nire lana eta ez ezabatu nik igotakoak. Milesker

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Mon Feb 22, 2016 8:25 am

Mesedez utzi besteoi filmak igotzen. Opensubtitles-en filosofia da jende askoren elkarlana, film askoren azpidatziak edukitzea, eta film bakoitzaren bertsio desberdinak ere bai. Utzi horiek igotzen. Eskerrik asko.

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Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:40 pm


Zuek bezalako jendea orain hona etortzearen arrazoia ez da azpidatziak igotzea, baizik eta hemen euskarazko azpidatzietaz bakean gozatzen urteak daramatzagunok izorratzea besterik ez.
Zuen asmo bakarra webgune hau hor nonbait duzuen zerriaskaren parekoa egitea besterik ez da, eta gainera asmo txar eta odolzalekeria zikina besterik ez. Ea ohartzen zareten inork ez duela zuen zaborrik ikusterik edo jeisterik nahi webgune honetan. Jarraitu zuen webgunean eta utzi gaitzazue bakean

Urteak ibili zarete hona azpidatzi bat igotzerik nahi izan gabe, eta izankeri faxixta bat burutzen bertako azpidatziekin eta gainera besteon euskara xume eta jatorra iraintzen eta gaizkiesaten hortik zehar harroputz ustelak bezala, entzun behar direnak oraindik, oso ongi daki berak norengaitik esaten dudan.

Zuek bezalako odolzale zikinak ez dira ongi etorriak opensubtitles-en EUSKARAZKO AZPIDATZIETARA. UTZI BAKEAN OPENSUBTITLES!!
Basque Subtitles / Euskarazko Azpidatziak

Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:48 pm


Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:09 pm

Hi again, everybody;

I'm not going to qualify or answer the words in this topic or others made by Azpidatziak , the actual administrator of basque language in this site. Just reading the timeline of this topic ... =1&t=15563 and the claims of the users is enough for anyone to draw their conclusions, fairly.

But by the way, I'm going to translate to everybody the answer that Azpidatziak has wrote (in basque) for the users that question him about the disabled subtitles. Because it's important to understand the whole problem.
Zuek bezalako jendea orain hona etortzearen arrazoia ez da azpidatziak igotzea, baizik eta hemen euskarazko azpidatzietaz bakean gozatzen urteak daramatzagunok izorratzea besterik ez.
Zuen asmo bakarra webgune hau hor nonbait duzuen zerriaskaren parekoa egitea besterik ez da, eta gainera asmo txar eta odolzalekeria zikina besterik ez. Ea ohartzen zareten inork ez duela zuen zaborrik ikusterik edo jeisterik nahi webgune honetan. Jarraitu zuen webgunean eta utzi gaitzazue bakean

Urteak ibili zarete hona azpidatzi bat igotzerik nahi izan gabe, eta izankeri faxixta bat burutzen bertako azpidatziekin eta gainera besteon euskara xume eta jatorra iraintzen eta gaizkiesaten hortik zehar harroputz ustelak bezala, entzun behar direnak oraindik, oso ongi daki berak norengaitik esaten dudan.

Zuek bezalako odolzale zikinak ez dira ongi etorriak opensubtitles-en EUSKARAZKO AZPIDATZIETARA. UTZI BAKEAN OPENSUBTITLES!!
That's the translation. I tried to be as accurate as I could with the language used. If anyone disagrees with translation, please, that you discuss here.

The reason that now people like you all came here is not upload subtitles, is not more than to fuck off who are enjoying the basque subtitles in peace for years.

Your only intention is to convert this website in the same pigsty that you have somewhere, as a dirty bloodthirsty with bad intentions. Lets see when you all realize that no one wants to view or download your crap on this website. Continue with your website and leave us alone.

You've been years without having wanted to upload a subtitle to this website, with a fascist attitude with the subtitles of there and furthermore as a haughty futile insulting and swearing over there others humble and affable basque, what remains to be heard, he knows very well about who I say.

Dirty bloodthirsty as you are not welcome to the BASQUE SUBTITLES on opensubtitles. LEAVE ALONE OPENSUBTITLES!!!

I'm just trying to understood why a website that I respect and like, where I and all the users that concern this problem are downloading and uploading what we can, with the best of our purpose, lets someone who talks to others in this terms be a admin.

Seriously, this is more important than "started to do idiotic things in a big scale". It's a shame for all users and opensubtitles that someone who talks and monitors this way can be a admin.

Sincerely I wish to know your opinion and the other basque users about this.

Thanks for listening our requests.

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Location: France / België / UK


Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:58 pm

Hello to all (puedo escribirlo/traducirlo en español tambien si lo preferis). I just wanted to let you know that your concerns have been taken seriously, and that the admins are currently discussing this issue in a closed thread which is not visible to ordinary users. That's also why the topic is temporarily locked. Please leave it with us for a while, you will receive news shortly.

Thank you for now. We have greatly appreciated your feedback.

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Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:07 pm

Hi Opensubtitles,

Gautier, I prefer if you write in English.
I only hope Admins take seriously who work hard in this site for years making and uploading good Basque Subtitles that basque people love
and who don't do.


About Lasturralde, in "website that I respect and like" as you say, you never had download one Basque subtitle in your live in this site.
And only years ago you uploaded one.
You and anybody can see it here: ... sp=sharing

You don't really respect this site and you never see one Basque subtilte from this site.
This is the whole and really problem.
Basque Subtitles / Euskarazko Azpidatziak

Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:48 pm


Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:42 pm

Hi Opensubtitles,

Gautier, I prefer if you write in English.
I only hope Admins take seriously who work hard in this site for years making and uploading good Basque Subtitles that basque people love
and who don't do.


About Lasturralde, in "website that I respect and like" as you say, you never had download one Basque subtitle in your live in this site.
And only years ago you uploaded one.
You and anybody can see it here: ... sp=sharing

You don't really respect this site and you never see one Basque subtilte from this site.
This is the whole and really problem.
Hi to everybody;

Just for the record: I don't download any basque subtitle from here 'cause i see the films in ost. And as i said before, i upload what i can.
And i don't have to justify the quantity of my activities in this website with anyone, and less with you, Azpidatziak.

You're saying that "my rights as user" in OSubtitles are based on my quantity of downloads in basque language. That's just another smokescreen you are trying to use to cover your abuses, as it is becoming clearer to all. But just in case you didn't say anything about the insults you have spit to us in basque language and i translated. When you talk like that you're moderating by " the book" ? your "book", or by this "sites rules"? and you have de hypocrisy to call us fascists? Please, just get off from your pedestal and leave us alone, anyone here deserves your bad moods.

That's the point in all this claims: someone who behave as you do can't be administrator. It's a common sense issue.
And I'm sorry but again, respectfully, I claim to Gautier or other admins. to stop this authoritarian troublemaker.

Thanks for listening our requests.

Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:48 pm


Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:03 pm

As i said in the other topic: Sincerely, Thank you all. Thank you for listening to us. Really appreciated.

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Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:25 am


Aurrekoan esan nuen bezala:

Zuek bezalako jendea orain hona etortzearen arrazoia ez da azpidatziak igotzea, baizik eta hemen euskarazko azpidatzietaz bakean gozatzen urteak daramatzagunok izorratzea besterik ez.
Zuen asmo bakarra webgune hau hor nonbait duzuen zerriaskaren parekoa egitea besterik ez da, eta gainera asmo txar eta odolzalekeria zikina besterik ez. Ea ohartzen zareten inork ez duela zuen zaborrik ikusterik edo jeisterik nahi webgune honetan.

Urteak ibili zarete hona azpidatzi bat igotzerik nahi izan gabe, eta izankeri faxixta bat burutzen bertako azpidatziekin eta gainera besteon euskara xume eta jatorra iraintzen eta gaizkiesaten hortik zehar harroputz ustelak bezala, entzun behar direnak oraindik, oso ongi daki berak norengaitik esaten dudan.

Zorionak, azkenean lortu duzue nahi zenutena, webgune honetan urte askotan azpidatziak bakean gozatzen egon garenak izorratzea.
Horixe da zuek bezalako etsaiek egiten duzuena zuen energiaren %90-arekin, beste guztia bost axola zaizue.

Nire aldetik, besterik gabe esatea EZ dudala azpidatzi gehiago igoko zaborgune bat bihurtu duzuen toki honetara.
Eta itxaroten dut zuek bezalako gaizkinahi zikinak berriro ez ikustea.
Basque Subtitles / Euskarazko Azpidatziak

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