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Subtitles on Stremio

Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:38 pm

This is my first post here. I'm using the opensubtitles addon for stremio.
I just have one question, does the addon pull subs from or
As it seems in the org page I can find all the subtitles I need (Spanish) but they don't show up in stremio once I start playing videos...
Is there any fix? Will the subs be added over time?

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Re: Subtitles on Stremio

Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:29 pm

This is my first post here. I'm using the opensubtitles addon for stremio.
I just have one question, does the addon pull subs from or
As it seems in the org page I can find all the subtitles I need (Spanish) but they don't show up in stremio once I start playing videos...
Is there any fix? Will the subs be added over time?

I don't know about Stremio specifically, but in general...
Maybe it's because the subtitle was uploaded manually, using the web form. Because of the manual upload, there is no hash code. BSPlayer (and pretty much any other software using OpenSubtitles to search for subs) are using this hashcode to find subs. So no hash code, no result - even though it exists on the site.

But with the time progressing, others using the subtitles with certain software, hash codes are added (by that software). So,slowly, more and more hash codes (and also video file names) are added.

You have to wait for them to become available in the meantime.

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