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Status 'Unauthorized' in Bazarr

Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:10 pm

Hi all,

Im running Bazarr which is a automated subtitle downloader for TV shows and movies, and i'm using the built-in Opensubtitles API. I'm a Opensubtitles VIP member, and i also enabled that in the settings. Everything was working fine for a long time, until about 3 days ago Opensubtitles stopped working, and Bazarr is displaying a 'Unauthorized' message next to it. Screenshot:

Any ideas? Did i go over my download limit or something?

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by mk981234 on Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Status 'Unauthorized' in Bazarr

Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:07 am

fixed now

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Re: Status 'Unauthorized' in Bazarr

Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:04 am

I think the problem's back again.
I've had some disk problems lately, which had led to some data corruption of the config files, so I've had little thought of actually checking in on Bazarr, until now.

I tried using both my nickname and email, but nothing works.
The logs just says "Authentication error" and "Unauthorized".
I even tried using the API-key that I made a while back. Don't remember for what purpose I created it, but it didn't work anyway.

I should also point out that I've seen this error for some time now, even before the disk problems, but they've only been there intermittently.
Usually I rarely check in on Bazarr unless it's something that I'm actively searching for.
Besides the .com I'm also using the .org in there, which should be just about the same, I think (Feel free to enlighten me of the difference, if any!), so it's not totally a loss if .com fails.
But, seeing as how Bazarr is still in the early stages, it still has a bit more need of development until it's a fully fledged downloader.
However, when it encounters a problem, like logins, it slows everything down and pretty much all interaction takes forever, and it keeps re-trying every 5-10 minutes in case of failure thus it takes extra long time to conclude that it cannot use that provider.

Just checked while writing this, and I got this from the Bazarr-logs, regarding the .org provider: "ServiceUnavailable", which reminds me that it too appears from time to time, and I don't know if it's just the server that's too busy and can't keep up or something.

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Re: Status 'Unauthorized' in Bazarr

Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:20 pm

New Bazarr probably uses site - so please try with your username and password, should work. Also, if nothing helps, please contact Bazarr support, from our side everything works.

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