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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Wed May 04, 2016 10:58 pm

Here's Polish language :

Code: Select all

{ "currentLang": "Polish", "Upload": "Prześlij", "Log in": "Zaloguj", "Log out": "Wyloguj", "Username": "Użytkownik", "Password": "Hasło", "Video file": "Plik wideo", "Subtitle file": "Plik napisów", "Drop a video file or select one": "Upuść plik wideo lub wybierz", "Drop a subtitle file or select one": "Upuść plik napisów lub wybierz", "Metadata": "Metadane", "browse": "przeglądaj", "Save between sessions": "Zapisz między sesjami", "Search on IMDB directly": "Szukaj bezpośrednio na IMDB", "Auto-detect the language": "Automatyczne wykrywanie języka", "Reset": "Resetuj", "File name": "Nazwa pliku", "OSDb Hash": "Hash OSDb", "MD5 Hash": "Hash MD5", "Size": "Rozmiar", "bytes": "bajty", "High definition": "High definition", "Movie AKA": "Tytuł AKA", "Release name": "Nazwa releasu", "FPS": "FPS", "Total time": "Łączny czas", "Number of frames": "Ilość klatek", "Language": "Język", "None": "Brak", "Comment": "Komentarz", "Hearing impaired": "Niedosłyszący", "Auto-translated": "Autotranslator", "Translator": "Tłumacz", "developped by": "stworzony przez", "Enter a title": "Wpisz nazwę", "Search": "Szukaj", "OK": "OK", "EDIT": "EDYTUJ", "UPLOAD": "PRZEŚLIJ", "RETRY": "PONÓW", "OPEN IN BROWSER": "OTWÓRZ W PRZEGLĄDARCE", "Language testing unconclusive, automatic detection failed": "Testy językowe niejednoznaczne, automatyczne wykrywanie nie powiodło się", "Video cannot be imported because OpenSubtitles could not be reached. Is it online?": "Wideo nie może zostać zaimportowane ponieważ OpenSubtitles jest nieosiągalny. Jesteś online?", "Unknown OpenSubtitles related error, please retry later or report the issue": "Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd OpenSubtitles, spróbuj ponownie później lub zgłoś problem", "You haven't specified an IMDB id for the video file. It is highly recommended to do so, for correctly categorize the subtitle and make it easy to download.": "Nie podano IMDB ID dla pliku wideo. Mocno zalecane jest jego podanie do poprawnej klasyfikacji napisów. Sprawi to łatwiejsze ich pobranie.", "Wrong username or password": "Zła nazwa użytkownika lub hasło", "Not found": "Nie znaleziono", "Wrong IMDB id": "Złe IMDB ID", "New version available, download %s now!": "Dostępna nowa wersja, pobierz teraz %s!", "Dropped file is not supported": "Upuszczony plik jest nieobsługiwany", "Cut": "Wytnij", "Copy": "Kopiuj", "Paste": "Wklej", "Subtitle was already present in the database": "Napisy już są w bazie danych", "The hash has been added!": "Hash został dodany!", "The hash too...": "Hash również...", "The file name has been added!": "Nazwa pliku została dodana!", "The file name too...": "Nazwa pliku również...", "Subtitle was successfully uploaded!": "Napisy zostały pomyślnie przesłane!", "OpenSubtitles is temporarily unavailable, please retry in a little while": "OpenSubtitles jest czasowo niedostępny, proszę spróbować ponownie za chwilę", "OpenSubtitles is under maintenance, please retry in a few hours": "OpenSubtitles jest w trakcie prac konserwacyjnych, proszę spróbować ponownie za kilka godzin", "Something went wrong :(": "Coś poszło nie tak :(", "IMDB id": "IMDB ID", "Switch theme": "Przełącz motyw", "The subtitle has invalid format, review it before uploading to OpenSubtitles (try removing URL that might be considered as advertising for a third party website)": "Napisy mają nieprawidłowy format, przejrzyj je przed wysłaniem na OpenSubtitles (spróbuj usunąć URL, który mogł zostać uznany za reklamę stron trzecich)", "": "" }

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Thu May 05, 2016 6:38 am

btw I tried first time - it is quite nice. I got trouble importing ... on/en.json because there is empty key: "": "" on last line...

But it is good to see we have more translations now

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Thu May 05, 2016 8:37 am

In that case, sorry, I messed up.

So, here a corrected v2 of my Dutch translation. Full, including the things we discussed by PM, and a typo.

Code: Select all

{ "Upload": "Uploaden", "Log in": "Inloggen", "Log out": "Uitloggen", "Username": "Gebruikersnaam", "Password": "Wachtwoord", "Video file": "Videobestand", "Subtitle file": "Ondertitelbestand", "Drop a video file or select one": "Sleep een videobestand of selecteer er één", "Drop a subtitle file or select one": "Sleep een ondertitelbestand of selecteer er één", "Metadata": "Metagegevens", "browse": "bladeren", "Save between sessions": "Opslaan voor volgende sessies", "Search on IMDB directly": "Zoek rechtstreeks op IMDB", "Auto-detect the language": "Detecteer de taal", "Reset": "Alles wissen", "File name": "Bestandsnaam", "OSDb Hash": "OSDb Hash", "MD5 Hash": "MD5 Hash", "Size": "Grootte", "bytes": "bytes", "High definition": "High definition", "Movie AKA": "Alternatieve titel", "Release name": "Releasenaam", "FPS": "FPS", "Total time": "Totale tijdsduur", "Number of frames": "Aantal frames", "Language": "Taal", "None": "Geen", "Comment": "Opmerkingen", "Hearing impaired": "Slechthorenden", "Auto-translated": "Machinevertaling", "Translator": "Vertaler", "developped by": "ontwikkeld door", "Enter a title": "Voer een titel in", "Search": "Zoeken", "OK": "OK", "EDIT": "WIJZIGEN", "UPLOAD": "UPLOADEN", "RETRY": "OPNIEUW", "OPEN IN BROWSER": "IN BROWSER OPENEN", "Language testing unconclusive, automatic detection failed": "Taal niet eenduidig, automatische detectie mislukt", "Video cannot be imported because OpenSubtitles could not be reached. Is it online?": "Video kan niet geïmporteerd worden, want OpenSubtitles is niet bereikbaar. Is het online?", "Unknown OpenSubtitles related error, please retry later or report the issue": "Onbekende OpenSubtitles-gerelateerde fout, probeer het a.u.b. later nogmaals of meld het probleem", "You haven't specified an IMDB id for the video file. It is highly recommended to do so, for correctly categorize the subtitle and make it easy to download.": "Je hebt geen IMDB ID voor het videobestand opgegeven. De IMDB ID is belangrijk voor het correct plaatsen van de ondertitel en om het downloaden te vereenvoudigen.", "Wrong username or password": "Verkeerde gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord", "Not found": "Niet gevonden", "Wrong IMDB id": "Verkeerde IMDB ID", "New version available, download %s now!": "Nieuwe versie beschikbaar, download %s nu!", "Dropped file is not supported": "Gesleepte bestand wordt niet ondersteund", "Cut": "Knippen", "Copy": "Kopiëren", "Paste": "Plakken", "Subtitle was already present in the database": "Ondertitel is al aanwezig in de database", "The hash has been added!": "De hashcode is toegevoegd!", "The hash too...": "De hashcode ook...", "The file name has been added!": "De bestandsnaam is toegevoegd!", "The file name too...": "De bestandsnaam ook...", "Subtitle was successfully uploaded!": "Ondertitel is geüpload!", "OpenSubtitles is temporarily unavailable, please retry in a little while": "OpenSubtitles is tijdelijk niet beschikbaar, probeer het iets later nogmaals", "OpenSubtitles is under maintenance, please retry in a few hours": "Er zijn momenteel onderhoudswerkzaamheden op OpenSubtitles, probeer het over enkele uren nogmaals", "Something went wrong :(": "Er is iets misgegaan :(", "IMDB id": "IMDB ID", "Switch theme": "Wijzig thema", "The subtitle has invalid format, review it before uploading to OpenSubtitles (try removing URL that might be considered as advertising for a third party website)": "De ondertitel heeft een ongeldige opmaak, controleer deze voor het uploaden naar OpenSubtitles (verwijder elke URL dat gezien zou kunnen worden als adverteren voor een andere website)", "": "" }
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Thu May 05, 2016 11:40 am

Very interesting app. Image

Next time I upload a subtitle, I'm definitely going to give it a try. Seems a lot easier than doing everything through the website.

One question though. Does the app remember login credentials (user name and password) ?
I get the impression it doesn't.

First I enter both user name and password, and I'm logged in. No problem.


After logging out, user name and password are still present. Still no problem.


However, after exiting the app and restarting it, the fields for user name and password are completely blank.


Images are from version 1.4.0 (win32 setup).

For me, this would be a bit of an annoyance in using the app. I use different passwords for everything. And they are so complicated that I have them written down in a notebook. Not needed when I use my browser, thanks to the password manager. All I have to remember is just one master password.

So... does this app not remember credentials after exiting... am I missing something... or am I doing something wrong?

If it's the first (not remembering), then could this feature perhaps be added in a future version?

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Thu May 05, 2016 5:18 pm

could this feature perhaps be added in a future version?
Maybe including a checkbox "Remember"...
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Thu May 05, 2016 5:57 pm

yeah, I think password would be saved not encrypted, but md5(pass) is possible to use.

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sat May 07, 2016 6:06 pm

the app should remember your credentials if you don't log out. If you log out, you're not automatically logged in, that seems logical to me, you chose to log out^^

It is indeed stored as MD5 (inside a db, it's not plain text, it's the best possible scenario as long as OS doesn't have a json api with oauth or similar).

I'll include your translations, thanks !
Last edited by vankasteelj on Sat May 07, 2016 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sat May 07, 2016 9:42 pm

btw, 1.5.0 released, with all your translations :)

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Mon May 09, 2016 9:01 pm

OSS: any news of the new design? I could simply adapt from buttons & color code here, but what's the best design? The new forum skin or the website? They aren't exactly the same.

Also, is the new icon gonna be the one on

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Tue May 10, 2016 2:15 pm


nothing new about design, our designer have a lot of work with other things :( But, thanks for asking, is the main design which we want to hold on (forum was just adapted to it). So, you can use design from - and also logo from there. If you need some media, let me know.

thank you!

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Tue May 10, 2016 5:28 pm

Now we have that "Foreign Parts Only" option/icon, shouldn't that be included as well?
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Tue May 10, 2016 5:57 pm

And btw, shouldn't the official site-wide logo/icon be
instead of
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Tue May 10, 2016 7:02 pm

@OSS if you have a png (or any other transparent image format) at least 256x256 for the icon, I'd gladly take it.

I think I can find everything else in the website sources (colors, animations, fonts, icons, ...). Maybe if you or your designer have a cheatsheet for the design, a guideline, a chart, or something like that, it could be interresting too.

@SmallBrother: could you tell me more about that icon/option?

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Tue May 10, 2016 7:15 pm

@SmallBrother: could you tell me more about that icon/option?
I think the new design is very (too much) smartphone optimalized - at the disproportional and unnecessary cost of the desktop user.
So this was just a little off-topic tease - but I couldn't resist.
Forget it :)

Oh, I think I misunderstood - I guess sometimes the wish is father to the thought ;-)
You mean the option for "Foreign Parts Only"?
At the bottom, the last one of the four options is the option I mean. This is a relatively new option/icon/flag and -just in case- to indicate that the subtitle is covering ONLY the non-native spoken parts.
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Wed May 11, 2016 8:02 am

New Logo here: ... _final.psd (there is eps, pdf, svg)
For guidelines - I dont have this document yet, but working on it.

For Foreign Parts ONLY using API - I updated trac, just pass [baseinfo][foreignpartsonly] = 1 and it should work - please do the test and let me know

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