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[END Edit by SmallBrother]
I've used my free time this past week to make an application for OpenSubtitles. The goal was to provide an easy app to upload subtitles, since the Java-thing never worked for me.
Software is out, download it on GitHub!
Youtube video "how to" tutorial:
So, what is it? For now, it's called "OpenSubtitles-Uploader" because of the lack of inspiration. It's a node.js/html5 application, portable, and running on multiplatforms (windows, linux, osx).
What are the features? Everything you'd expect from an uploading app: take a look at the UI, it's all there:
The aim is to provide the most easy and efficient way of uploading subtitles. For this, I automated almost everything. The hashes are calculated on the fly, the fps, framecount and total runtime (in ms) are extracted automatically, and it features a search for imdb if not found on its own. It also uses osdb protocol to automatically populate OpenSubtitles database.
Behind the curtains, it's just javascript/html5/css and jquery, bundled in nwjs (node-webkit) to enjoy the power of node. I also support (only on windows & debian derivatives atm) MediaInfo, to gather data about the files dropped in there.
A gif is worth a thousand words, so here you see it in action:
Now, I have to polish that, the UI is not finished (read the readme on github for the "todo", link below). I also might have to find another name, as "OpenSubtitles-Uploader" makes it look a little like "official". And I need a UserAgent, I'm playing with OSTestUserAgent right now, which is bad. But to request an UA, I need a name^^
The end goal behind this app? Nothing. I just wanted to see if I could (and I'm glad I can )
Please share any thoughts!
Github link:
There is no released version yet, so if you want to try it, you'll have to have Node.JS installed, then:
Code: Select all
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
grunt setup
Code: Select all
grunt dev