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Jan de Uitvreter
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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Fri Jan 28, 2022 4:12 pm

Thanks @pooond

migrated the lib folder content from previous version and now everything is fine.

Kind regards, Jan

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:16 pm

Hi, it's been a while but I found some time to publish a new release. That should mainly fix the autodetection on videofile issues, and it has Italian as an interface language now. Here it is: ... /tag/2.7.0

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sun Sep 25, 2022 5:10 pm


This is what I get with the new file upon install:


After installing and trying to run it:



These are worse warnings than last update back in January.
Have the integrity of the files been checked?

Thanks for updating and trying.
It could be cos it's just a new file, the main worry was the Trojan file warning.

Refer to past discussion for more info:


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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sun Sep 25, 2022 5:18 pm

The setup is generated with NSIS 3.0.4, not signed because I don't have a signature key. It's the exact same NSIS executable I use for at least 5 years, so I don't see why it would suddenly throw trojanthingy alerts.

Maybe it's the nwjs executable inside the installer again? I'm using 0.53.0-sdk directly from

EDIT: aaaand 0.53 was the faulty version a year ago. I'm tired of this...

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sun Sep 25, 2022 5:35 pm

It should work now

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:16 pm

Just so you know, Norton also detected some problem via IPV6 and the new version, dunno what though.
EDIT: aaaand 0.53 was the faulty version a year ago. I'm tired of this...
Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get!

Thank you for your troubles, though. We appreciate.

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:31 pm

I have Ubuntu and I can't get any version > than 2.5 to work.
When I try to build the latest version, it gives two big problems;
glob-parent <5.1.2
trim <0.0.3

And If i try to use any version in Windows, it gives me the same nwjs error again and again.

I would also like to help develop a batch upload feature for mkvs that have multiple languages subtitles attached to them (extract srts | or use extracted srts and upload them with the same video hash), but that's for later.

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:59 pm

I have Ubuntu and I can't get any version > than 2.5 to work.
When I try to build the latest version, it gives two big problems;
glob-parent <5.1.2
trim <0.0.3

And If i try to use any version in Windows, it gives me the same nwjs error again and again.

I would also like to help develop a batch upload feature for mkvs that have multiple languages subtitles attached to them (extract srts | or use extracted srts and upload them with the same video hash), but that's for later.
you should contact at

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Tue May 02, 2023 1:08 am

hi vankasteelj
first of all, congratulations, and thank you for this wonderful has make my uploding much faster and easier in several situations!

i wanted to point some minor things that don't work properly in uploader 2.7.0, and some ideas for its improving

first, there are some languages that the uploader don't recognize, partially (only sometimes, or ofter) or at all: BAQ (Basque Euskara), GRE, PHI (Tagalog), CZE, CHI Traditional and Bilingual (it gets confused with Simplified, but i guess it's would be really hard to distinguish them :) ), SPA (sometimes), MAY (gets confused with indonesian), NOR/NOB (few times works), TUR (almost never), and Brazilian POR (again, i guess this is almost impossible).

Besides that, it could be useful to have the possibility, inside the software, to choose between generic spanish, european spanish and latino spanish.

And, since it has a great language recognition system (apart from the few cases i mentioned above), it would be ENORMOUSLY useful to be able to do batch/bulk uploads from the software (i mean, a single video file with more subs file in different languages). it would lead to some errors, it's basically obvious, but all considered it would be a huge spare of time!
I mean, with a feature like batch uploading, it would boost greatly, even considering that is already a very very great and useful piece of software!

Of course, all these things are not complaints, at the contrary they are meant to be a tiny contribution to your great project!

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Thu May 11, 2023 12:15 am

Hi everyone,

Version 2.8.0 is out with a few requested fixes, including tries to improve sublang detection. Download it here: ... /tag/2.8.0

As for the recent comments here:
- I'm not supporting Linux or OSX at the moment and might not ever. Two different reasons: 1) NWjs was unsupported the last time I tried Ubuntu and I don't recall which specific other arch-based distro, and I no longer run any linux desktop on daily bases. I tried for a few hours to run NWjs but never got to a working-state application, idk. 2) I've never owned a mac but I've heard of what to do in the past to bundle something "kinda-working" (there were warnings for unsigned application but apparently it was running fine), but I haven't touched active developpment for that platform in years and it's now moved to Apple Silicon, which is no longer X86 but ARM-based, and I have absolutely no idea on where to start in order to support it.
- Batch upload is not in the pipe on my end, because it would require massive rework and coding. People have requested it though, back in 2016 (it's discussed here: ... /issues/14)

I want to add a few things about the future:
- I hadn't checked Transifex in a while. Next update will have arabic and greek translations as well. The files are already on github and you can import them yourself, see changes for arabic and greek)
- I don't know if the tool will be available for at some point. Last I checked, the API was still very limited and did not offer the same confort of use as the existing API for Note that the change will probably require a lot more work than "just" switching an url. Last year I started developping a nodejs wrapper for the new API but have had some issue when communicating with the servers, because of strange headers. It's here if someone wants to keep an eye on it or help develop it as the new API progresses.
- You've noticed I dont update as often as I used to. That's because I've moved away from subtitles as a user so I no longer regularly follow the developments in the community.

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:30 am

Hello, a few days ago, when I use OpenSubtitle Uploader to upload subtitles, I receive the following message.

"OpenSubtitles is temporarily unavaiable, please retry in a little while"

As it's been a few days, I believe there is a synchronization problem between the app and the website. I use version 2.8.0

Debugging the app with F12 shows this error log.

Error: Invalid XML-RPC message
at Deserializer.onDone (C:\Program Files\OpenSubtitles Uploader\node_modules\xmlrpc\lib\deserializer.js:79:21)
at SAXStream.emit (node:events:512:28)
at SAXStream._parser.onend (C:\Program Files\OpenSubtitles Uploader\node_modules\sax\lib\sax.js:190:10)
at emit (C:\Program Files\OpenSubtitles Uploader\node_modules\sax\lib\sax.js:624:35)
at end (C:\Program Files\OpenSubtitles Uploader\node_modules\sax\lib\sax.js:667:5)
at SAXParser.end (C:\Program Files\OpenSubtitles Uploader\node_modules\sax\lib\sax.js:154:24)
at SAXStream.end (C:\Program Files\OpenSubtitles Uploader\node_modules\sax\lib\sax.js:248:18)
at IncomingMessage.onend (node:internal/streams/readable:705:10)
at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:626:28)
at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:524:35)
(anonymous) @ osactions.js:484

Please, can someone test and see if the same error occurs?


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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:09 pm

Can confirm. I am having the same issues.

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Thu Dec 07, 2023 4:20 pm

thanks for report, I will have a look

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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:44 pm

thanks for report, I will have a look
Were you able to verify the problem?
The software helps a lot with uploading.


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Re: OpenSubtitles-Uploader (Windows/Linux/OSX)

Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:45 pm


I believe it is temporary error, probably 503 server error, can you upload 1 subtitle, or it always happening ?

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