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Is This normal? The Latest subtitles!

Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:29 am

Well, I'm using to update the latest uploaded subtitles!

But recently I've noticed that the 'Latest' is being cached, and it might update every 60 minutes!

The issue here is, after 60 minutes, I think we'll have more than 60 subtitle files uploaded, and I'll miss out on many subtitle files!

I'm also not sure if it's exactly 60 minutes or longer, but overall, it's pretty bad!

I'm setting up regular update intervals for my application at 3-5 minutes/request, and because the 'latest' feature is acting like a joke, my app can't fetch the new files!

Update: I've double-checked my logs, sometimes it's 1 hour, 2 hours, even over 8 hours to get a new latest subtitle! I'm really unclear on how this 'latest' feature works.

- And the 'latest' results on different IPs are also different => clearly, it's caching by IP address.

Update2: And there's a small bug, I've received subtitles through the latest API, but when using the search API feature, I'm not getting any subtitles, it seems like it's not refreshing the cache properly!

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Re: Is This normal? The Latest subtitles!

Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:55 am


it is cached by design, it is not best right now, in future we might change it, but not now.

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Re: Is This normal? The Latest subtitles!

Tue Jun 18, 2024 4:28 pm


it is cached by design, it is not best right now, in future we might change it, but not now.
It's been two months, and it seems there have been no updates!

I have to force update the search results (empty search results) every 4 hours :((, but it doesn't solve the problem! I don't want to force update (not empty search results) because it might put additional strain on your server ~~

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Re: Is This normal? The Latest subtitles!

Tue Jun 18, 2024 5:33 pm


it is cached by design, it is not best right now, in future we might change it, but not now.
It's been two months, and it seems there have been no updates!

I have to force update the search results (empty search results) every 4 hours :((, but it doesn't solve the problem! I don't want to force update (not empty search results) because it might put additional strain on your server ~~
the discover and popular are just endpoints created to have something quick to display, you will never be able to track all we release with that endpoint, and as there are 1000 - 10'000 new subtitles per day, and hundreds of thousands of small updates on the files, the moviehashes, movie details, there's just no way to follow the udpates with api calls.

because of the nature of the technique used in the /discover and /popular, those endpoint won't be improved, but maybe we can find a different way to suit your needs. A suggestion could be to add a min_upload_date and max_upload_date to the /subtitles endpoint... could that suit your needs ?

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Re: Is This normal? The Latest subtitles!

Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:09 pm


it is cached by design, it is not best right now, in future we might change it, but not now.
It's been two months, and it seems there have been no updates!

I have to force update the search results (empty search results) every 4 hours :((, but it doesn't solve the problem! I don't want to force update (not empty search results) because it might put additional strain on your server ~~
the discover and popular are just endpoints created to have something quick to display, you will never be able to track all we release with that endpoint, and as there are 1000 - 10'000 new subtitles per day, and hundreds of thousands of small updates on the files, the moviehashes, movie details, there's just no way to follow the udpates with api calls.

because of the nature of the technique used in the /discover and /popular, those endpoint won't be improved, but maybe we can find a different way to suit your needs. A suggestion could be to add a min_upload_date and max_upload_date to the /subtitles endpoint... could that suit your needs ?

Apologies for the delayed response. I only want to retrieve the latest subtitles within the last 15 minutes to 1 hour to update my database through RSS, rather than reloading the entire list of subtitles. By caching the latest subtitles, your API system can also avoid unnecessary strain (you can cache it and update it every 5 minutes). The min_update_date and max_update_date parameters don't seem to be very effective in this case. I really hope for an RSS feature in the future

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