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Some downloads are hiding or something else weird?

Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:26 am

There is something strange in the display of publications on the website. It's happened several times that some don't show up even after 5 hours and only show up when you try to upload again. So it doesn't appear in the search, in the list of episodes of the series or even directly with the IMDb number. I know the normal delay, but a few took an exceptionally long time. (cleared cache, tried different browsers)

One lasted about 12 hours and I uploaded again and then only the previous one appeared. I removed a certain double. Now one episode of another series (, tt14371366, Finnish section) is not shown even after 6 hours. (Another user uploaded another version to it later) I know it was/is on the site before.

I apologize for the difficult explanation and my bad language.

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Re: Some downloads are hiding or something else weird?

Fri Jan 06, 2023 4:12 pm


Yes, sorry, there was an index linking problem with the database. I believe the major issue happened on 3rd Jan and another several (a week or so) days before that. Database has been re-indexed, so it should be okay now.
Please check and verify.
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