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Software for creating subtitles

Thu Oct 27, 2022 10:58 am

Looked around the forum a little, looking for good recomendations on what software to use, but cant find a good answer. I see some edit software and sync software listed. Say if I where to start creating subs for movies and series, what software would you recomend?


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Re: Software for creating subtitles

Thu Oct 27, 2022 11:27 pm

This is a small list that was created which has recommendations for useful subtitles software. Many other software solutions are available which can be found via web search.

My preference: Subtitle Workshop, which I use in conjunction with my preferred Word type software.
Definitely varies from user to user. I suggest downloading the many free solutions that are available via the web, and test drive each until you find one that best suits your needs and comfort zone.

If you are a Linux user, their repositories have a large selection to choose from for subtitles. Software such as Aegisub or Gnome Subtitles, are quite similar to their Windows counterparts. Additional subtitle software is also available via Snap or as AppImages.

Hope this gives you a start and good luck.

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