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How post Subtitles and Serviio see them?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:46 am
by open4me
Hi. I am using Serviio dlna with the option of subtitles with Opensubtitles. It works perfectly. Sometimes, when the episode of the series I'm watching does not have a subtitle, I look it up on the web and hang it on the opensubtitles page. But I do not know why, something that I do does not work, because Serviio does not get it. How is the methodology that I must follow for Serviio to capture the subtitles that I post?

Sorry my bad english

Re: How post Subtitles and Serviio see them?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:22 pm
by SmallBrother
I think this is what is happening:
- You upload a subtitle manually, i.e. using the upload page on the website.
- You use Serviio to search that subtitle, but Serviio can only find subtitles with a socalled hash code.
- If you upload manually, using the web page, no hash code is added - and thus Serviio doesn't see it.

To check if my theory is correct:
Search the subtitle manually, using the web site: ... uageid-all
I suppose now you CAN find the subtitle, right?

To avoid this for next time:
Upload the subtitle using some API-driven upload software.
I would recommend the free, open source and very handy and easy OpenSubtitles Uploader - this will add a hash code (provided you have the video file near), so every API software can now see the subtitle.

Re: How post Subtitles and Serviio see them?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:57 am
by open4me
The problem is that the video files are under torrent on a raspberry headless server, and I do not have access with OpenSubtitles Uploader of those files from the Linux PC from where I am working with that program.

Re: How post Subtitles and Serviio see them?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 1:44 pm
by SmallBrother
You could maybe temporarily move/copy the video file to your Linux box?

Otherwise there is nothing you can do. In that case you just have to wait until other programs are adding a hash code. Then the subs will be visible to you too. This can take one day or forever.

Re: How post Subtitles and Serviio see them?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 1:32 pm
by oss
SmallBrother is right