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Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:52 pm

Very 1st ul of sRt The.Leftovers.S01E04, deleted as a dupe?

Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:31 pm

Hi, I just started uploading subtitles on the site today for my first time after getting interested in it, and a good bit of practicing my skills, and wanting to share them. I was the very first by a long shot(I didn't keep track but I know it was at least an hour or two ahead of prior uploads) to upload the very first subtitles for "The Leftovers" S01E04, and it had perfect sync and custom set-up.

Yet when I log back in to see how many downloads I had gotten a few hours later my upload profile is blank... I worked hard to produce these subs for the community at a fast rate and they were both removed for being duplicates(True.Blood.S07E05) was released slightly after killers, but only because I took my time with it, and they still only beat me by minutes. How can a subtitle be called a duplicate when it was the only subtitle for hours? It was the only one in existence on your site at the time for quite a while, and I put a great deal of effort to accomplish that.

I did upload two of the same subtitle with slight revision of some characters that weren't being displayed properly in the title only, but still just remove the single obvious duplicate, that had obvious typo in its title, not the one I put hard work into, so basically the original hand crafted version that I was proud to be the very first to submit, only after joining this site today, I was proud of that accomplishment. I feel this is really disrespectful to the work I put out there, and then having it called a duplicate, when it was the opposite, the original... the very first release by possibly hours ahead of others, is a duplicate?

I would think a 'duplicate' would refer to copying another's work, but in this case I only corrected the displayed title because I was using some special characters. Such a simple mistake result in deletion of the very first released subs, after others with special tags release theirs? I wasn't expecting that over something as simple as changing the title and duplicating my own work, lol. I think I deserve at least 1 subtitle credit for my work. It seems that it got removed as a 'duplicate' after the slow pokes with special tags by their names uploaded over their 300 bit modems, that's how so slow there release was compared to mine.

So I just joined the site and would've been more cautious if I was aware of this. I couldn't figure out how to change the title of my already uploaded srt, so I simply put another one, thinking it wasn't really a big deal, a title typo = duplicate?

The e-mails i got concerning removal said "unknown" reason lol, possibly duplicate, but I was the very first to release these subtitles, how is that possible?

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