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[Iron Man 2] Howard Stark's introductory speech

Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:10 pm

I searched and checked almost all of the subtitles available and found that Howard Stark's first speech (01:13:19 - 01:14:00 — "You've been give security clearance ... ") in Iron Man 2 is not subtitled at all. I was going to add them to a subtitle file that I have and upload it, but I cannot understand what he is saying at some places. (I am not a native English speaker.) Here is what I was able to note down. The parts I don't get are highlighted:
You're been given security clearance 616. 01:13:21

As you are now well aware … 01:13:22
anything you hear from this point forward is strictly confidential. 01:13:27

The fate of the world maybe even universe is literally un?stick?. 1:13:32

Starting project … to the Manhattan project 1:13:35
And into today with developments such as telegraphs and arc reactor technology 1:13:39

I've put this company 1:13:42
At the forefront of protecting the citizens in this nation 1:13:45
and the planet 1:13:46

As a Stark Industries employee you've been a part of my team, 1:13:50
helping me in this fight. 1:13:52

But now you're part of 1:13:54
an even more select group 1:13:55

This security clearance brings the best of helping to find civilian engineering 1:14:00
Can anyone help me with this? (I couldn't find a YouTube link to this part, otherwise I would have posted one.)

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