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Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:33 am

Question about Captioning Online Comedy Specials

Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:40 am

Hi all. I'm asking this to get a general feel of how the community, at least the part that reads this forum and captions TV shows, would feel about captioning some of the many $5 online comedy shows that are popping up these days.

A lot of comedians like Louis CK, Aziz Ansari, Jim Gaffigan, Rob Delaney, Bill Burr, and Maria Bamford are releasing shows for $5 through their websites instead of getting the shows on TV. The problem is that basically none of them (except, a few months later, Louis CK) release the shows with captions.

We're talking about an hour of all-speech content that could be subtitled by the online caption community very quickly and, I'm betting, cheaply relative to what their content organizers might think it costs to subtitle a show.

So the question I pose for the people reading this that caption things is, would people be willing to volunteer to do this for a reasonable fee? I'm not even talking about doing it for free, I'm talking about getting paid for your work. If there are some positive responses on this page, I can show it to comedians who are releasing specials and say "look, there's a benefit here for your hearing impaired fans and it isn't hard to organize."

I note that I'm just a random fan that tweets at comedians and then sadly doesn't buy their shows when they tell me they don't have captions. But I think, since they're already doing a direct-to-consumer model that it would be very easy to interact with them, get them to this page to see, and make the magic happen for the benefit of hearing impaired comedy fans.


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