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Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:02 pm

BSPlayer audio video sinchronization

Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:26 pm

Let do not know how to solve this problem that does not appear in the forum in English of the BSPlayer either. When I diminish the speed of the video the voice is distorted. In the software ' VLCMediaPlayer ' I have no disadvantages because I go to the bar of tasks, I choose ' Reproduction ', then ' Speed ', press the ' slower ' button and sloe both the video and the subtitles and the voice listens perfect only that slower. This is my target: That there to be able to make adjust audio and video to understand the movies with audio in English and subtitles in the same language (or audio in French and subtitled in French, etc.). I wait for his help. Thank you and greetings.
PD: It is a little problem because there looks like the nice BSPlayer to me that it is very good and I was near of buying the version; but with this disturb it does not serve me.

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