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Re: We have been HACKED

Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:23 pm

Hello folks,

I registered here just today because I wasn't able to register to the main site.

I'm asked to create a password in the registration process and then to repeat the password.
Unfortunately it always states both "versions" don't match.
Which can't be true as I tried it several times with the "easiest" words...

What can I do? Am I being stupid anyhow? :( :oops: :wink:
hmm, do you get that after submitting the form, or does it come as a red message as you type, stopping you from submitting the form ?

at this point it's me who feels stupid, there's nowhere in the code where I mention something like "both versions" and the non matching password error message is normally only displayed on the right field, so I just don't understand how to reproduce the error to try and fix it....

could you send me a screenshot of the error you get maybe ? (if it's a problem here, you can write me to [email protected])
Never mind!
Seems to have been a nightly (for me in Germany) hiccup...
I was now able to register successfully.

It was the and the form must have had the hiccup. There was that red message underneath the right field so that I wasn't able to submit the form.

But it's fine now! :D

Thanks for answering! :)

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Re: We have been HACKED

Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:28 pm

In the profile page email is always visible although I select the option "Email visible to: no one" or "logged-in users" .

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Thu Jan 27, 2022 6:13 pm

I followed the call to change the password because of the hacking. The new password is accepted but I can't log in either with it or the old one.

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Re: We have been HACKED

Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:47 pm

Meh. It happens.

Honestly, anybody using a password manager is completely and utterly unaffected by this. And anybody who's not reallllly needs to get with the program by now already in 2022. Not only does it make breaches like this a non-issue, they make your life easier in general.

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Re: We have been HACKED

Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:12 pm

@Masutin - thats very strange, if you successfully change your password, you should be able to login with the new password.

Maybe left a space after the word?
For now please choose forgotten password and try again.

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Sat Jan 29, 2022 4:01 am

I don't enter single symbols, I copy and paste to ensure the same text is used. Tried it 3 times and still get the error 'Your username or password is not correct'. Never happened with the old password. Can someone with an access help me personally?

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Sat Jan 29, 2022 8:19 am

I don't enter single symbols, I copy and paste to ensure the same text is used. Tried it 3 times and still get the error 'Your username or password is not correct'. Never happened with the old password. Can someone with an access help me personally?
from what I read now "Your username or password is not correct" means the password you thought you set was not really set, you'll need to go back to the and ask for a new link to set your password.

if that doesn't work, please contact us with the contact form so we can help you personally

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Re: We have been HACKED

Sat Jan 29, 2022 11:18 am

Please understand and is TOTALLY different systems regarding usernames and password. YOU NEED TO set up the password on both on them (and they can be different also), those two systems are independent.

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Sat Jan 29, 2022 11:48 am

Can someone with an access help me personally?
Yes, of course I can try. :D
Make things worse for you, that is. :(
I have a confession to make. I made a booby.
You will find that you may not be able to log in to the forum, that's cos I "personally" changed that password and then sent you a PM asking you to use that to log-in and then change it to one of your liking. I realise this help is needed for the and not the forum.

Please accept my humblest apologies. :?
When you try to access the forum, click on forgotten password and reset that, too.
That should give you access to the forum again.

I promise not to help anyone else this morning until I've had my morning coffee!
As os_dev said, please use "contact us" form from the main-site for issues related to main-site password.

I've done enough "helping" for the day. Off to have a brew!

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Re: We have been HACKED

Fri Feb 11, 2022 10:39 am


It's the site hacked again? I just recieved an reset password mail (didn't click it) but I can't login anymore with my account.
Also can't do a password reset...

Maybe you guys can help me out by either helping me resetting my account or just delete it and i'll create a new one?

Kind regards,

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Re: We have been HACKED

Fri Feb 11, 2022 11:59 am

Maybe you guys can help me out by either helping me resetting my account or just delete it and i'll create a new one?
I have just sent you a forum PM...
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Re: We have been HACKED

Sat Feb 12, 2022 5:42 pm

This is why I use Bitwarden :)

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Re: We have been HACKED

Mon Apr 11, 2022 11:28 am

Hello folks,

I registered here just today because I wasn't able to register to the main site.

I'm asked to create a password in the registration process and then to repeat the password.
Unfortunately it always states both "versions" don't match.
Which can't be true as I tried it several times with the "easiest" words...

What can I do? Am I being stupid anyhow? :( :oops: :wink:

I am experiencing a similar issue. I can't register on the main site? I've been trying to register for a few days and keep getting same error message:
"Please correctly fill all of fields (username might be taken or email is wrong)"

I have tried numerous times and used different emails and passwords and browsers. I've taken a screenshot but can't find a way to attach file to this post?

Appreciate your help

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Re: We have been HACKED

Mon Apr 11, 2022 2:03 pm

@Robcum23 it is really strange. Try to send me email with screenshot to [email protected] - and also which browser did you tried and also if you are using some password manager.

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Re: We have been HACKED

Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:19 am

I have had a similar problem. I keep coming to the site and having to reset my password. I generate a new password, and when I paste it in, I get the "Please correctly fill out all fields" message.

Today, when I ran into this problem, I think I accidentally fixed it. I inadvertently hit a backspace, and the red icon at the end of the password field turned green. I then deleted the last character of the verification field to match, and it turned green as well. I submitted again, and this time it took it *and* it allowed me to subsequently log in. I went into the password manager and deleted the last character. Why did this fix it? I haven't a clue, but I hope it stays fixed, and that maybe my accidental workaround gives someone a hint about what could be going on.

Browser is Firefox on Linux, and I *am* using a password manager.

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