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request to sanitise file names

Wed May 23, 2018 11:46 am


First of all, I don't use Kodi. I always download subtitles with a browser through the web interface.

So, I download the zip file, unpack it and....

The filename can be anything. Sometimes it has Chinese characters. I'd like it to be ASCII but that's OK. Usually it contains a lot of crap from every piece of software used to create it. I'd like the name not to contain crap but that's OK. But the worst part (and that's not OK) is that frequently the file extension is BAD. For instance: ... ic-lamp-ru

So, let's analyse it: Film title, year, language. So far, so good. Video format... what do I care? Audio format.... I care even less. And the rest is just crap. But the point here is the ".sop". What the heck is that? Shouldn't it be ".srt"?

So would it be possible to sanitise somehow the file names?

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Re: request to sanitise file names

Fri Jul 20, 2018 1:33 pm

hi, it is possible and we can do it in new opensubtitles, so user can define filename also, shouldnt be so hard.

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