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Posts: 147
Joined: Fri Jan 01, 2016 6:32 pm
Location: France / België / UK

How to add multiple IMDB episodes at once?

Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:08 pm

As many will know, draws its information on films and tv series from IMDb. Their database is excellent but, often, also incomplete. Especially when it comes to episodes of non-English spoken tv series.

So it can be quite challenging to assign new subtitles to the correct episodes, if those episodes are nonexistent on IMDb. There's an easy fix for that, and that it is to add the episodes on IMDb. But their process is extremely tedious, they require you to add them one by one! A multi-upload is impossible.

But there's a fix for that as well. Download/install the following script: It will add a button which will allow you to add a whole range of episodes in a single go, which in turn will help you to assign the subtitles to the correct episode on

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