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How to get perfect subtitle files from Opensubtitle?

Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:16 pm

Not exactly a Plex question, but it is definitely applicable to many of us here.

When I search for subtitles on, I usually see that there are many download options, even within just english language. How do I know which one is the right one for me? I do see that sometimes I need to open the subtitles in "subtitle edit" to adjust the time sync.

At one time I thought that perhaps the releasegroup was important to getting good subs, but I am not so sure any more.

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Re: How to get perfect subtitle files from Opensubtitle?

Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:22 pm

Drag and drop movie from your folder into the search field. If the subtitle has corresponding hashes submitted against it, the right subtitle will pop up for your release automatically.

Check here for more info with pictures:

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Re: How to get perfect subtitle files from Opensubtitle?

Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:52 am

To narrow your choice, if you search using a browser, form a query that contains the language, the IMDb ID without leading zeros, the FPS rate and requests to sort the results by number of downloads. This number is not a guarantee but surely a guide. Otherwise search by title and request to sort e.g. by subtitle rating. This rating is inaccurate as few go to the respective subtitle page and rate the entry or give a correct rating. In the Web interface, the number of ratings submitted might increase if this capability appeared with the search results as well.
The name of release group may be important but is no warranty. If I need to adjust only the times, I often do just that rather than continue looking for a suitable file. You mention Subtitle Edit. It supports CLI, i.e. batch commands, faster than using GUI. An example:

Code: Select all

@echo off chcp 1252>nul set :set -=- set shift=11400 set offset=/offset:%-%0:0:%shift:~0,-3%:%shift:~-3% :set fix=/fixcommonerrors set SubtitleEdit=SubtitleEdit %SubtitleEdit% /convert "%f%" SubRip %offset% %fix%

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Re: How to get perfect subtitle files from Opensubtitle?

Wed Jun 02, 2021 12:45 pm

To narrow your choice, (...) sort the results by number of downloads. This number is not a guarantee but surely a guide.
This is an (often made) wrong assumption. Reality might be even contrary to this assumption.

Think about it:
- Typically, the first upload will have the most downloads.
- On top of that, many users think that most downloads refers to best quality, so those subs will get even more downloads.
- It is easier and thus FASTER to make a mediocre subtitle than to make a good subtitle. So the mediocre subtitle will be uploaded before the good subtitle.

If you want to look at these kind of data, then better consider the latest subtitle. This might be a corrected version of earlier subs, or it might be made by a better subtitler who has spent more time on making it.

A better method, possibly a 'step 2', would be to load the subtitle into subtitling software like Subtitle Edit and have a look at technical aspects, like line length, CPS-ratio and durations. Typically, beginner subtitlers will focus only on the translation and text, while more advanced subtitlers also consider these mentioned technical aspects.

That being said, subtitles uploaded by a badged Trusted member or Sub Translator are often better than subs uploaded by other users, including 1-2-3-star uploaders, which is a badge automatically assigned to users after a certain number of uploads.
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