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opensubtitles not accessible from Sweden !!!

Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:37 pm

Recently I have problem to access from my home, now in Sweden. From the work either. Damn it, said I myself, that's another win-xp thing.

But later I bough new computer, Mac Mini and the problem was same. But thank God site was accessible from my work.

So I wrote to my provider Seth's Bredband in Norrköping and he fixed it. I was curious where was the problem and get answer:
En ip-adress som hemsidan låg under har tidigare varit med i register över ip-adresser som ej är möjliga att använda, de ip-adresser som finns i dessa register brukar då vanligtvis vara blockerade, dock så har denna ip-adressen blivit fri att använda i efterhand och tyvärr så har då inte blockeringen
försvunnit. Nu är detta dock åtgärdat så det bör inte vara några mer problem med att komma åt hemsidan.

Mvh Joakim
Seth's Bredband/ Canal Digital
In the text is mentioned that whole site was on some kind of ban-list. This was meant to be just for short tid and they forgot to allow it. (more-less)

The thing I was to point at is - guys do you realize you have got quite a lot annoying ads in source code? I know site needs to be finance but, it can be blocked.

And anyway - all wise geek use AdBlock Plus to wipe out such a shit.

But the site is great!

If you take away that stupid ads, maybe I could send some donation through PayPal.

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Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:42 am


I get some time ago similar problem - one user wrote os is not accessible from sweden.

I know, there are some stupid ads (I dont like them too, but as you wrote, we need some finance, and it seems users just dont want make a donation, and if yes, it is not enough anyway).

Google adsense blocked this website (something like it is in grey area...long time ago), so I had to choose some ad provider.

I'd like to know, which code exactly is making this problem (popunder, banners?), and I will consult that with my ad provider.

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