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cannot get subtitles

Fri Jan 05, 2024 9:47 pm

I once registered as a VIP member and I don't even know if the payment went through properly (last year). All of a sudden I can no longer get subtitles on my tablet saying I have to sign up as a VIP member. I re-registered and paid, entered the correct username with which I paid, used the same password as on the computer, but it refuses to give me subtitles. I have the same username and password on my computer and the other tablet and I can upload subtitles. What should I do to enable this on this tablet as well?

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Re: cannot get subtitles

Sat Jan 06, 2024 3:06 pm


I checked your account - and you are not VIP member. Please contact us using form bellow "contact us" and send payment info, so we can locate it and upgrade you to VIP. VIP is valid for 1 year.

Also, send some screenshots about your problem, so we can understand you are talking about website, or vlc, or kodi or other program...

all should work.

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Re: cannot get subtitles

Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:21 pm

you sent me a lot of privet info here, and also write me via email - so we sort it out via email.

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