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Threat and abuse

Sun Nov 27, 2022 5:28 pm

I received this threat from Zkarlov. The problem originated from another site and now they are taking revenge on me. This should not be a topic on this site and I have asked Slacks to tell Zkarlova to stop unfairly judging her. It all started because I downloaded their subtitles and posted them here. He saw that he could do nothing and began to threaten. Because there is no need for a threat. We can argue and everything but this is too much.

His comment and link:

Da nisi šizofrenik i vidiš svugdje nekakve zavjere shvatio bi da nisam rekao da je došao sada na sajt nego da je nedavno postao moderator, ali ne čudim se. On ti je inače službeno lice pa se ostavi belaja jer bi inače mogao nagrabusiti. Zašuti i prekini jer ako bi se kome moglo obiti o glavu moglo bi tebi.

GT Translation:

If you weren't schizophrenic and saw conspiracies everywhere, you would understand that I didn't say that he came to the site now, but that he recently became a moderator, but I'm not surprised. He is your official face, so leave him alone because otherwise he could get rough. Shut up and stop because if it could happen to anyone, it could happen to you.


Re: Threat and abuse

Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:16 am

Let me explain. I want you to know this. This started with me wanting to destroy their site. OPEN-SUBTITLES.ORG I was a moderator there. This was because I realized they were lying. They don't want their subtitles to be stolen, but they accept other people's subtitles, no matter who they are from, as long as they don't have a signature and sometimes edit them to fit their rules. After i get kicked, one of them, when i uploaded subtitles, Zkarlov, came to this page to accuse and threaten me, that Daxdavor will become violent towards me because he is official person. Why? Im not afraid. He could report that. Am i right? But no, he needs to threaten me and abuse me and call me names. That just confirms that i speak the truth. He claims to have his own translations, and in many of them is EDIT, not TRANSLATED, while he said that he doesnt't edit subtitles, and he would never do that. This means that he is probably stealing other people's subtitles and making them his own, while claiming that he translated it from scratch. If I could, I would destroy their site for good. Of course, now he's mad because I caught them in a lie and probably becasue i tried to destroy site. Actually i didnt do anything. I deleted pictures and backup but they restored it. He calls me a sick while threatening me and abusing me. He comes to this site to rate my subtitles because I have his subtitles, which tells a lot how much he cares about subtitles and subtiles of others, while I didn't want to touch other people's subtitles. I only deleted mine and not all of them but they restored it. What I wanted was that some who don't know about the other pages have subtitles here as well. Nothing more and nothing less. I didnt think on revenge or anything. I was just glad i dont have anything with them. I didnt make them mine, i just deleted their signature. What they don't realize is that this is the internet and that is a normal thing on the internet. It is only polite to leave someone's signature, but it is not a mandatory thing. I used to get mad at those who take my subtitles but honestly, if you're going to go around looking for plagiarism of your subtitles, translating isn't for you. It will happen and there is nothing you can do about it. I feel sorry for the honest people among them, if there are any. I'll delete their subtitles but now i know what kind if people they are. For me, translating isn't competition.

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Re: Threat and abuse

Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:17 am

To be honest, it's a little difficult to understand what is going on exactly, who is who and who did what to whom.

But I think I understand the general issues:

- Subtitles are taken from another site and uploaded on OpenSubtitles. The other site an some users don't like that.
My belief is that if subtitles are uploaded on any public site, they are uploaded to share with 'the world'. It is a bit 'funny' to share subtitles with the world and then complain if they get shared more. Besides, it's practically impossible to avoid this happening. It's naive to think there is a way to stop this.

- People are being threatened for uploading subtitles on OpenSubtitles.
This is completely out of line. OpenSubtites is a site to share subtitles. If someone doesn't want his/her subs to appear on OpenSubtitles or any other subtitle site, then he/she shouldn't publish the subs in the first place. Users threatening others over such a childish reason deserve to be banned.

- Credits are being fiddled with.
Making subtites is a difficult and very time consuming task and credits is the only reward for this job. This should be respected.
That being said, if 'that other site' is not just a 'scraping' website but actually a subtitle creating community, then it's only fair if credits for that other website are being respected as well.
See viewtopic.php?f=1&t=15787

- Arguments, fights and similar trouble elsewhere are taken to OpenSubtitles.
OpenSubtitles is a subtitle sharing site, not a fighting arena or war zone. Fair discussions, expressing opinions and disagreements are fine, but throwing mud is not fine - even less if that mud is collected elsewhere.

- Subs are being marked bad or rated low as 'revenge'.
The rating system and the 'bad'-marking is meant as a user system to reflect the quality of that subtitle. It should NOT be used to kill competition or to piss off other users. Not only this is unfair towards that user, but also it frustrates the system. Users who misuse the rating system systematically and consciously, deserve to be banned.

OpenSubtitles should be a fun and safe place for everyone, and admins should protect this.
On the other hand, "If I could, I would destroy their site for good." is not really a conflict reducing approach.

Last but not least, I saw you canceled your forum account.
A discussion and maybe a solution is only possible if everyone is able to speak.
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Re: Threat and abuse

Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:35 pm

@MihovilBiro Seriously?

A problem you have on another site solve there, not here. I deleted all insulting comments.

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