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Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:17 pm

This section seems the most appropriate place to put this Request. Can OpenSubs Admin PLEASE add a section for Erroneous Subtitles and/or A HELP SECTION for Language Subtitles from OTHER UPLOADERS AND/OR SUBTITLE ENTHUSIASTS. To be Specific...this would be a LANGUAGE HELP SECTION of sorts for SUBTITLERS/UPLOADERS who ALREADY have subtitles created but need help with Timecoding, Translations, Sentence Structure/Grammar, etc. This would ALSO work as a "Mechanic Shop" so to speak for Subtitlers who want to post their subs up but may not be confident with the ones they created. I'm also hoping this Section would be the home those Admin-Hated Machine Translation Subtitles. Even those guys who only speak ONE Language could go to that section, download the desired subtitle in the Language they speak, and correct/edit the Machine Translated Subtitles based on the understanding of their language. This gives Admin a chance to relax from having to Edit and Delete ALL Unqualified Subs, and gets more guys involved to change those unqualified subs into qualified ones. It gets MORE MOVIES AND TV SERIES SUBTITLED, as there will simply be More people SUBTITLING DIFFERENT MATERIAL (instead of a thousand guys uploading THE SAME CONTENT), and finally, it promotes more subtitlers and language enthusiasts to join the game. And the stringent "No Machine Translations" policy could remain enforceable EVERYWHERE else on the site (i.e. the front page and featured section that everyone mainly downloads from).
I got in a little "word scuffle" with SmallBrother about Machine Translated Subtitles and Errors with Subs (see Machine Translations section) and after I was basically shut TF down, it left me feeling like OpenSubs missed a great opportunity to give gifted Subtitlers a chance to reach fans of the Foreign Movies/TV Series that DONT always hit the Main Stream or International Market. I mean...there's A LOT of content that doesn't reach Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO or the Main International Streamers that's REALLY good and deserves quality subtitling also. Well..I hope I made my case. And I hope this idea doesn't get shut down because Admin "doesn't feel like doing it". It's worth a try and could change the subtitling game. Thanks.

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Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:20 pm

Post moved to general talk.
The other topic is related to problems that or any error that prevent the upload of subtitles.
And this is a request to open a section where only t.a subtitles are uploaded.

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