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"Sub is being worked on" section...

Fri Jan 11, 2019 12:51 pm

Hello Subbers...

Maybe a very stupid question, but is there a way on OS to show a member is working on a sub in a desired language?

I mean, it feels like a race to be the first now and that is killing the fun out of it...
By example, i started a lot subs, only to find out a collegue was ahead of me, uploaded and i had to stop my work...

Offcourse i do respect everybody a lot, but it is senseless i think when several people work on the same sub.

Maybe this question was put here before, but i didn't find it...

Making subs manually and following the rules is a lot of work and takes a lot of time.
Adding the pressure to it of being the first is no fun and demotivating i think.

When subbers see who is working on what sub and expected time to finish, you can respect that and don't start also...

I said allready earlier, it is mayby a stupid question, but at least i am honest about the frustration of loosing workeffort and much time!




Re: "Sub is being worked on" section...

Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:01 pm

Is eigenlijk niet nodig. Je kan altijd de jouwe afmaken en men de keuze gunnen of je ondertiteling voor een andere source maken. Zo onderscheid je toch je ondertitels.

[Edit SmallBrother, translation added]
Thanks for your reply, Fijnproever.
But would you download more than one subtitle, and check which one is best to use?
I don't think that's a realistic thought.


Re: "Sub is being worked on" section...

Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:10 pm

Dank voor je reactie, Fijnproever.

Maar ga jij meer subs downloaden, kijken welke de beste is en dan die gebruiken?
Denk niet dat dat een realistisch gegeven is Fijnproever...


[Edit SmallBrother, translation added]
Thanks for your reply, Fijnproever.
But would you download more than one subtitle, and check which one is best to use?
I don't think that's a realistic thought.

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Re: "Sub is being worked on" section...

Sun Jan 13, 2019 6:31 pm

Admin remark:
Please keep the English section in English, although we know from each other we are Dutch.
I have edited your messages with a translation.

An additional section "Work in progress" could be an idea, for the new site. For now, well, for the past two years ;-) we have created a dedicated topic on the forum. Other language sections could do the same. Unfortunately, not a lot of users are using it. We can only guess about the reasons, but I think:
- The topic is unseen. Many users do not know about the forum in general or this topic in specific. And this goes for writers as well as readers.
- It's too much trouble. Creating a forum account, writing a post and maybe creating expectations with others and pressure for yourself.
- It could work counterproductive. Not everybody is into working together. Some on the contrary, they feel rivalry and competition, so they don't WANT to post what they are working on, afraid of their rivals working against them. On top of this, this 'hurry' could lead to worse subtitles.

As for your 'frustration': I would not dump work that's done for let's say 80%, because someone else is first. I would work on better quality, or just my own translation and upload it anyway, either synced for the same release, or an other sync, or both. Not uploading, then FOR SURE your work is lost.
But would you download more than one subtitle, and check which one is best to use?
That's what I am doing. If there is more than one subtitle, I find out which one is best.
But yes, others pick the one with most downloads (which is often the worst choice) or just the subtitle matching the video file they have.
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Re: "Sub is being worked on" section...

Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:59 am

yeah that would be idea for new site. is growing everyday with new features.

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