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[iOS] Movie Box - Can't log in to account

Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:45 pm

I hope someone will help me

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Re: [iOS] Movie Box - Can't log in to account

Thu Nov 24, 2016 5:33 pm

Same problem here with kodi/exodus, please help

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Re: [iOS] Movie Box - Can't log in to account

Thu Nov 24, 2016 6:07 pm

For this kind of things, it would help to get a bit more info. Stuff like:
- Can you login on ?
- What's your user name?
- What happens or doesn't happen?
- Does any error show? What is the error exactly?
- Since when does this happen?
- Does it happen always or sometimes?
- Have you tried anything else to solve or locate the problem? Like other computer, other account, other internet connection?
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Re: [iOS] Movie Box - Can't log in to account

Thu Nov 24, 2016 7:03 pm

- Can you login on ?


- What's your user name?


- What happens or doesn't happen?

When i start watching movie from kodi/exodus this text comes:"In order to continue subtitles service you need to Log in" then i have to search subtitles manually to get that text disapear.

- Does any error show? What is the error exactly?

Look above

- Since when does this happen?

Since today

- Does it happen always or sometimes?

Every time

- Have you tried anything else to solve or locate the problem? Like other computer, other account, other internet connection?

One laptop and smart tv, same problem on both. And i try these both with no help:

1. Enter your credentials in OpenSubtitles KODI add-on

In KODI navigate to:
System -> Settings -> Add-ons -> My Add-ons -> Subtitles -> -> Configure

You need to enter your username and password and subtitles service will work again. If you are not registered yet, feel free to register on After registration just use same credentials – username and password.

2. Install new OpenSubtitles KODI add-on from

Steps how to install new add-on, improved by us, where you don’t have to insert your username and password:

uninstall old OpenSubtitles add-on
download updated OpenSubtitles add-on
navigate KODI -> System -> Settings -> Add-ons -> Install from zip file
select the file you downloaded

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Re: [iOS] Movie Box - Can't log in to account

Fri Nov 25, 2016 6:37 am

I followed the instructions to a T and Ii still get the message to log in to ... so frustrating

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Re: [iOS] Movie Box - Can't log in to account

Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:05 am

I have the same problem. Solved it half way by entering my user name and password from the addons/opensubtitles. As soon as I open a movie from exodus the same text comes but if I download a new subtitle it is ok. I realized that the first automated subtitle from exodus is coming without using my username and password. That is the issue. There must be a sign in part in exodus settings like we signed in for but there is none for now. I think they did not added because ıntil now it had no use. But now they have to do it..

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Re: [iOS] Movie Box - Can't log in to account

Fri Nov 25, 2016 10:54 am

it is fixed...

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