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Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:15 pm

Wich movie version for that given subtitle..?!

Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:00 pm

With my first post here i have to thank you all for this wonderful site and for helping my poor spoken english comprehension :mrgreen:

And now the sticky question:
i watched 3 seasons of Lost taking here english subs an pasting them to the most common version of the video files i found, and it has always worked perfectly..

Now i'm a Heroes addicted, but the sbus i use to take here are not in synchro with the files i get.. elsewhere :)

Now, I know how to synchronize with VLC, but the problem is i have to fix it about 5 times for a episode (due to the commercial breaks, i suppose)..

Is there a way to exaclty know wich specific version of the episode the sub are made for?

P.S. Sorry for my bad english :oops:

Posts: 73
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:39 pm

Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:41 pm

two ways:

1. use subdownloader, it will only show you the subtitles that fit your movie file
2. check the release name

if you don't find the subtitles that fit your release, (and don't want to do something for the community by synchronizing them :wink:), you can adjust them without pausing the movie. I don't know about VLC, but zoomplayer has a nice option where you can assign a function to the mouse wheel:
- in zoomplayer, right-click -> Options/Setup (or hit Ctrl-O)
- in the Options window, if it says "Basic Options", click on "Advanced Mode" (bottom left)
- go to "Mouse"
- in "Mouse Wheel Functions", check "Custom (pick functions below)"
- in "Custom Up", enter "fnsubsyncahead", or click on [+] and select "Resynch subtitles ahead 10 ms"
- in "Custom Down", enter "fnsubsyncback", or click on [+] and select "Resynch subtitles back 10 ms"
- select the radio button "Custom (pick functions below)"
- hit "Close" (= OK)

Now you can shift the subtitles forward and back in time with the mouse wheel while the movie is playing. I've done this with dozens of Seinfeld episodes and it works quite nice (but one day it'll give me repetitive strain injury in my middle finger...)

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