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Logon, timeout suggestions & a question

Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:05 pm


1. Using Firefox under Windows 10, when I click the "Log-in" link a pop-up box appears asking for username & password. It would be really nice if the cursor was sitting ready in the username field. At the moment I often end up typing in my username before I realize that I'm not in/on the username field.

2. It would be really helpful if the logoff timeout was much longer. Especially if I was still logged in after watching a movie. What is the current timeout?

3. When I get to a movie page that is showing a list of subtitles, I really want them in newest to oldest order (by uploaded date/time). For some reason this is not the default (for me) and I end up picking up older subtitles by accident.

I really appreciate the website and upload subtitles myself as a way of giving to others.

kind regards, Stephen

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Re: Logon, timeout suggestions & a question

Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:02 am

1) it will be fixed, thanks for suggestion
2) this is somehow problematic. Click "remember me", it should help. Also, there seems to be problem "fighting" between website login and program login (using API).
3) send the example URL, it should be sorted usually from newest to oldest.

Thanks for spreading the word

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