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Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:46 am

Need help with pirate talk and a song in Peppa Pig

Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:32 am


What are they singing at around 3:22?

"Enjoy the time must we,
That song will keep with sea,
To find the golden treasure,
Hosanna, hide your being."

(Of course, the last line can't be right.
The song is repeated at 04:46, possibly with variations.)

Also need to check these phrases:

Which of ye, scurvy pirates, crave a ration of swashbuckler o'er the briny seas?

Time was I had a heap of gold that was mine by right.
But I was hornswoggled by one Captain Hog.

Be the black galleon fast and the wind at our backs. Win away!

All there!
(not "Hold there!")

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Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:39 pm

Re: Need help with pirate talk and a song in Peppa Pig

Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:11 pm

Be the black galleon fast and the wind at our backs. Win away!

vaar als de zwarte galjoen, snel en met de wind in de rug. (win away is volgens mij een uitdrukking van als yahoo e.d)

Time was I had a heap of gold that was mine by right.
But I was hornswoggled by one Captain Hog.

zolang het duurde had ik een berg met goud en het was allemaal van mij.
Maar het werd me afhandig gemaakt door zwijn van een kapitein.

Which of ye, scurvy pirates, crave a ration of swashbuckler o'er the briny seas?

Wie van jullie (Scurvy / letterlijk - scheurbuik, maar is meer een scheldwoord..als lelijke piraten), wilt er op avontuur/piraterij over de zoute zeeen..

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